Karma CBD


Karma CBD est une brand de produits conceptuels ciblés pour le marché du cannabis légal. Ce concept de cannabis packaging est basé sur les plantes populaires utilisées dans les infusions de thés russes : Ivan Chai, Zveroboy, Tavolga, Smorodina & Brusnika. Karma CBD souhaite offrir au consommateur une brand experience luxurious and unique by promoting the benefits of CBD.



Cannabis Packaging design

The challenge for the Lyon-based communication agency was to design a premium product line by paying tribute to Russian culture.

The solution imagined by Studio Blackthorns was to combine the aesthetics of traditional Russian culture (illustrations, myths, patterns) with an intense use of colour contrasts. We subtly arranged all these graphic elements to give a resolutely modern and high-end rendering.

Thus, various packaging has been created: dropper bottles for CBD oils, paper pockets for gummies, skin care creams, etc.

Karma CBD - Ivan Chai Cannabis Gummies
Karma CBD - Zveroboy Cannabis Gummies
Karma CBD - Smorodina Cannabis Gummies
Karma CBD - Tavolga Cannabis Gummies
Karma CBD - Brusnika Cannabis Gummies

5 plants,
5 perfumes

It's on the blog Russian Beyond that Studio Blackthorns supported its CBD brand concept. By combining the potency of these herbs with the benefits of cannabidiol, we could consider creating an innovative and premium brand in the legal cannabis sector. Here are a few more explanations about the different flavors of Karma CBD.

The infusions

Ivan Chai: il a été scientifiquement prouvé que cette boisson permet de réduire la fièvre. Elle a un effet stimulant et diminue les risques de cancer. Elle permet également d’éliminer les toxines et d’apaiser les maux de tête.

Zveroboy: At the time, St. John's wort was infused to treat kidney disease, gastrointestinal illness and to get rid of vascular spasms. It should also be noted that Cossacks used this plant to heal wounds.

Tavolga: The infusion of Tavolga relieves severe pain and treats: stomach ulcers, diarrhea and fevers. This plant is also very effective against nausea and rheumatism. In modern medicine, filipendula is used following a stroke to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Smorodina : riche en en vitamines C, l’infusion de feuilles de smorodina noire (cassissier) est une recette traditionnelle permettant de soigner la toux. Durant des siècles, cette boisson a été conseillée pour maintenir une vision aiguisée et une bonne mémoire, notamment chez les personnes âgées.

Brusnika Cranberry leaves contain a high dose of vitamin C, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and calcium. They also have an antiviral effect and strengthen the immune system. 

Karma CBD - Packaging design of Cannabis Gummies
Karma CBD - Zveroboy dropper bottle
Karma CBD - Brusnika dropper bottle
Karma CBD - line of dropper bottles
Karma CBD - Dropper bottle packaging
Karma CBD - Smorodina dropper bottle
Karma, natural CBD
Photo: Rick Proctor on Unsplash
Karma CBD - Ivan Chai dropper bottle
Karma CBD - Cannabis cream

Scope of work

Packaging Design
  • Coffee/tea style paper bag design
  • Creation of labels for dropper bottles
  • Concept realization for cream
  • 3D Rendering