Baie Bleue Liqueur

The story

Baie Bleue est une liqueur travaillée à partir d’infusion de bluets des Vosges, d’infusion de cerises et d’un trait de Kirsch de Fougerolles AOC. Anciennement dénommée « Délice du Chalot », la distillerie Coulin a souhaité retravailler l’image de cette liqueur apéritive dans le but d’élargir sa cible et d’honorer la richesse du patrimoine régional des Vosges. Le challenge fut de réaliser la refonte de l’brand identity de la bouteille afin d’en faire un produit phare de la distillerie.

→ Website : Baie Bleue Liqueur

Services provided

Blueberry liqueur made from Vosges blueberries

The approach

Although it is a fairly low mountain range, the wet and cold Vosges climate is often compared to the Scottish climate. The Baie Bleue liqueur is made from local products and harvested in the Val d'Ajol, at an altitude of over 600m. Therefore, the idea for the redesign of the label was to work on a visual evocation of this mountain freshness. So, in collaboration with the distillery, we have chosen to highlight the nature/purity side of the mountains and this beautiful region. So we used a cold tones colour chart to get closer not only to the colour of the bluet but also to connote this inherent freshness of the product.

A few printing effects have been implemented on this new label, namely the use of thick, soft-touch paper, the embossing of the name and the irregular cut-out of the label reminding us of the mountain landscape.

Before After
Blue Bay graphic elements
Redesign of the Blue Bay label

Baie Bleue can be enjoyed neat, on ice and even in pool mode, as an aperitif!

Blue Bay Liqueur range, blueberry liqueur

A delicate aperitif

In order to be consistent with the new identity, we were asked to design the box of this liqueur. We extended the use of this blue watercolour on the whole packaging by adding a few text boxes, allowing you to learn more about the product.

Blue Bay Liqueur box template
Baie Bleue, liqueur de myrtilles
Bottle Blueberry Liqueur
Packaging Liqueur Baie Bleue

The short story

The Bluet des Vosges is a cultivated blueberry, native to the Vosges region. of North America and established in the Vosges mountains in the years 80. In order to protect this wealth, the Bluet des Vosges trademark has been registered.

The Bluet des Vosges used to make the liqueur Baie Bleue is harvested by hand, in the Vosges mountains overlooking Fougerolles, where the Distillerie Emile Coulin. Very resistant to the cold, this fruit, by its small size, acclimatizes perfectly to these nearby mountains.

Scope of work

Brand Identity
  • Label Design
  • Packaging Design
Creative production
  • Product Photography
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